Messiah Lutheran's Christmas VBS 2024
Saturday, December 14th
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Ages: 3 years old - 6th grade

Register below for our one-day Christmas VBS event! Join us for a Bible lesson, craft, activities, snack and more! This year we are encouraging our 7-8th graders to register as volunteers. (It will be lots of fun - we promise!)

If you have any questions, please contact Erin Radichel: or 920-922-3318.
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Child's Name *
Child's Age/Grade *
Food Allergies or Dietary Restrictions *
Parent Name *
Parent Phone Number *
I consent that my child's picture may be taken and posted to Messiah Lutheran's social media accounts and/or used for VBS outreach purposes. No names will be posted in conjunction with any pictures. *
My signature below signifies that I authorize the Vacation Bible School staff to administer minor medical treatment (minor cuts or scrapes) to my child while under the staff's care at VBS. I further authorize emergency medical treatment to be administered by trained medical personnel in case of my child's severe illness or injury. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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