Gods of Hunger #4: Love Me Now ARC Sign-Up
Love Me Now is part of the Gods of Hunger Series, meaning that while it does end in an HEA for the centered couple, there are meant to be some unanswered questions at the end. This book specifically ends in a cliffhanger that picks up in book 5, but the couple does get their wrap-up and happy ending! 

This is also an ARC, meaning this is not the finalized version of the manuscript and some content will be missing from this version.

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Pairing: Achilles (pansexual transmasc, he/him)/Patroclus (Autistic, sapphic/demisexual transmasc, he/him)

Book Length: 312 pages/88K words

Release Date: Aug 30

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Content Warnings

CWs: explicit sex, rough sex, shower sex, alcohol consumption, drug use, physical harm, injury, physical violence (arena fights), guns, explosions, murder/on-page death, attempted murder, kidnapping, inferred mental/emotional abuse (past), child abuse (past), ableism (past or handled on page), transphobia (vague or alluded to, handled on page), CPTSD

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Have you read books 1, 2, or 3 of the Gods of Hunger series (Drag Me Up, Keep Me Close, or Let Me In?) 

You may be able to read this book on its own given how much detail from the last 3 books are included, but reading the others prior offers a better grasp of the world at current.
I agree to post an honest review on Amazon & Goodreads of this ARC on or within a month of its stated release date. I also understand that this is not the finalized version of the novel. *
I agree not to redistribute or share this ARC with anyone beyond brief quotes in reviews or on social media (i.e. live reading reactions) that do not contain major spoilers for the story. *
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