Immersive Visual Arts Network
In early 2021 IVAN formed an amazing team of creatives from across the mid-west to produce 'River Lights' in Downtown Flint, Michigan with great success. The bonds created through the creative production process is what fuels the network and we would love to grow our family by including you and your crafts. To see examples and photos of the exhibits, events and spaces please visit

We are currently looking for people that want to be involved with new exhibits and in what capacity.

Please tell us a little about yourself in this Gform and we will get in touch with you!
Teamwork makes the dream work,

Come play under the beatiful lights with us!

Currently accepting roles for Mid-February at Riverbank Park, Flint, Michigan for a new outdoor exhibit called, Winter Lights. Pictures of the venue can be found at
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Name (First, Last) *
Phone # *
City/State/Zip Code *
Business/Brand Name
I am Interested in *
What are your power needs? *
Did you attend River Lights *
I am aware it will more than likely be cold and snowy during February in Michigan. *
I am able to travel to Flint, Michigan with needed equipment/supplies. *
Do you want to be added to our email list for future opportunities and networking? *
Have you liked our FB page @ExperienceIVAN yet? *
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