SLogo Team Sprint Report
Completed by each team member at the “end” of each sprint.
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NetID *
Approximately how many hours have you spent on the project this sprint? *
Were those hours mostly on your own or in pair/group programming? *
If not on your own, list ALL the people with which you worked?
Describe your contributions to the project during this sprint. *
Describe one contribution made by each team member to the project during this sprint. *
Describe one challenging design issue you worked on during this sprint. *
Describe your planned contributions to the project in the upcoming sprint. *
Make sure to confirm with your team mates to decide these.
How do you feel about the status of the project? *
What do you think is the project’s biggest priority? *
How do you feel about the team's level of communication? *
What aspect of your code or design can be improved in the next sprint? *
How satisfied are you with your role in the team? *
What aspect of the team's teamwork went well during this sprint? *
For example, team meetings, division of responsibility, working together, etc.
What aspect of the team's teamwork can be improved in the next sprint? *
Would you like the course staff to meet with you or your group to help make your group more productive? *
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