Waitlist and Ask Lily!
I'm not currently accepting new clients as I devote myself to finishing my book "The Intentional Relationship: 10 Weeks to Ignite Consciousness, Connection, Playfulness and Passion" (out Winter 2024).
In the meantime, I invite you to join the Waitlist or submit a question below. 

Do you have a relational question that you've yearned for some third party input around? Perhaps it's about sexual frequency or emotional labor? Or perhaps you've got questions about the breakdown of household chores or how to have more connected conversations or why your partner always gets cold and dismissive when all you want is to talk about your day?  Perhaps you've got a question about therapeutic psychedelic use? When to use, how much, best set and setting? Maybe you just had a first date and feel confused by an interaction. There are SO many areas that can be confusing in relationship and non-ordinary states of consciousness exploration!  

Ask Lily! With a decade plus experience in the psychedelic space and offering intensive relationship counseling to dozens of struggling couples, Lily is happy to share her expertise with you. She'll keep it confidential!  Look out for her advice on YouTube and Instagram.
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Ask Lily! What's your question? (be sure to add as many details as feels necessary)
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If Lily has a follow up question, are you open to her emailing you?
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