CIIS Public Programs Scholarship Application
Use this form to apply for a scholarship to a CIIS Public Programs event.

Please read these instructions carefully - applications that do not meet all application requirements will not be considered.

Applications for all programs are due 14 days before the event date. If you are applying less than 14 days before the event, your application will not be reviewed and you may not receive a reply.

This form is for events only. There is a separate process for applying for scholarships for our two certificate programs: the Sex Therapy Certificate (STC) and the Climate Psychology Certificate (CPC). To learn more about these programs and their scholarship opportunities, explore STC's website: and CPC's website:

You will receive a response at least 2 days before the event. Scholarship notifications will come from Be sure to periodically check your junk/spam folder for our email.

If you have any questions regarding this application, please contact Public Programs at or 415-575-6175.
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Are you a current CIIS Student? *
In the past 12 months, have you received a scholarship from CIIS Public Programs? *
What is the title of the event you want to attend? *
What is the date (or first day) of the event you want to attend? Note: Scholarship applications are due 14 days before this date. *
Scholarship Types
As a non-profit university, we have limited scholarship funds and want to make informed decisions. Please answer the following questions to let us know whether you are requesting a full or partial scholarship.
How much financial assistance are you requesting? For workshops, discounts are based on price of reduced rate. (Select all that apply). *
Application Questions
Please answer each of the following questions with at least three sentences, and 500 words maximum. Applications that do not meet these requirements will not considered.
Why you are applying for a scholarship? *
Why is this event and/or presenter important to you? *
How will attending this event benefit you and your community? *
Please provide any additional information that you would like us to know.
Scholarship Program Policies
Please check the box next to each statement to confirm that you have read and understood the scholarship program guidelines.
By writing my name below, I confirm that the above information is true, and agree to the policies stated above. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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