Offload is a men’s mental fitness and wellbeing project run by Featherstone Rovers Foundation in partnership with RL Cares.

This cohort of offload will be 6 fixtures running on Wednesdays: 19th April, 26th April, 3rd May, 10th May, 17th May and 24th May, and will be held at the Millennium Stadium in Featherstone, WF7 5EN @ 6pm.

Signing up for offload you are expected to attend all sessions of the cohort.

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Name *
Date of Birth *
Address *
Post code *
Email Address *
Please enter a valid email address for booking confirmation.
Phone number *
Please enter a phone number that could be used to contact you personally.
Emergency contact phone number *
Please enter the phone number of a contact to be used in case of an emergency.
Do you have any medical conditions we need to be made aware of? *
Do you consent to photos/videos of you to be used for promotion on social media and Featherstone Rovers and Foundation websites? *
We share photos and videos through our social media and with our funders as proof of project delivery. If you are happy to be included in these photos and videos, please tick yes.
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