Please provide your Telegram handle, email address or any other preferred method of getting in touch.
Your answer
What type of event are you planning to host? *
Do you have experience running these types of events?
Please describe your experiences and what you learned.
Your answer
How often do you plan to run this event? *
Estimated date range for when you plan to host this event?
Your answer
How much compensation do you expect for this event? *
This is the cost of the event. Include your own individual compensation wherever appropriate. If you're unsure, let us know how we can help you calculate costs.
Your answer
Which cryptocurrency do you prefer to be compensated in? (You only have the choice of being paid in cryptocurrency, not USD)
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Your IRIS/ATOM address (and Memo, if applicable)
Your answer
How will you measure success for your event? (Be as detailed as possible) *
It may help to format these as OKRs (objectives and key results) and highlight any KPIs (key performance indicators).
Your answer
Are you currently working on any other relevant or interesting projects?
Please tell us a little about these projects to give us a better idea of your experience and expertise.
Your answer
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