20240612 GBV Collective Forum Register
Thanks for completing this register. It helps us keep in touch with you. In future, you will not need to complete all questions, but please do so today, to help update our records.
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1. Title *
2. First Name *
3. Surname *
4. Phone Number *
5. Gender identity that you identify as
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6. Please indicate your organisation type
7. Please indicate your faith organisation or affiliation
9. Main Province/s where you operate (if all, select National)
10. Are you a registered WWSOSA Member? (Do you receive our newsletters?)
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11. Would you like to be on the general WWSOSA or Faith Action to End GBV Collective News Distribution list?
12. Would you like the opportunity to share more about any GBV activities or projects run by your organisation or faith institution, and what support you may need? 
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13. Permission
Please indicate if your organization is happy for the above information to be used in the following ways :  
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