"Mommy and Me" or "Daddy and Me" Handprint Keepsake - Memories In Clay Order Form
Thank you for your order from Memories In Clay.  Please fill this form out so we can customize your product just the way you want it.    We have included pictures to help you get a better idea of what each option looks like.  The pictures you see may not be of the specific product you ordered, however, they will help you get an idea of what different colors and features look like.  

If there are options for which you have no preference, you can simply indicate that on the form and we will make it look awesome!  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.  There will also be a chance at the end of the form if you have any specific instructions for us.  
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First and last name *
The name of the person who ordered the product.  This helps us stay organized!
Email Address *
You will receive a copy of this completed form in your inbox when this is complete.
Shipping Address *
In this format:  Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip
Plaque Shape *
What would you like the title of your keepsake to be?  A few examples may be "Mommy and Me", "Daddy and Ella", or  "Best Nana Ever". Leave it blank if you don't want a title.
Keepsake Title Examples
Writing Style *
Other Written Info?
Is there anything else you want written on the keepsake?  Maybe the specific date or a short message like "Best Dad Ever"   Please write this exactly how you want it to appear on the plaque.  Leave blank if you want nothing else written.
Is there any info you would like carved into the back of the plaque?  
This may include the date or a short little phrase.  For example, "Fathers Day 2013" or "Ella's first birthday."  Leave blank if there's nothing.
Glaze Color(s) *
Glaze is the final step that adds color and a protective layer to your custom plaque.  Please choose 1 or 2 colors for this keepsake by writing your choice(s) in the space below.  If choosing more than 1 color, please indicate which color goes with each print.  For example, you may write "Ella - Lilac, Daddy - Light Blue."  If you choose a single color, the smaller handprint will be glazed twice and come out as a darker shade of the same color.  These are our most popular colors.  We can get you just about any color you would like.  If you want a color not listed, do the best you can to describe the color you want.  There are slight variations in color with each kiln firing.
Any other requests?  
Is there anything else we can do to make your product just the way you want it?  Just let us know and we'll do our best!
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