School Year 2024-2025
Quarter 1
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Dear Parent/Guardian: Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important survey. The information you provide will better help us understand the needs of your children.
Your ASAS program is provided by a variety of funding sources, which includes UPLINK.
What All-Star program is your student registered for? *
Please answer the yes or no questions below: *
Donʻt Know
1. My child looks forward to the ASAS-UPLINK after-school program.
2. The ASAS-UPLINK tutoring/homework assistance/tutoring program sessions have helped my child to be a better student.
3. My child’s grades have improved since he/she began participating in ASAS-UPLINK.
4. ASAS-UPLINK has helped improve my child's overall attitude towards school.
5. ASAS-UPLINK has helped my child in learning how to cope with life's difficult issues like "growing up"and "peer/relationship problems".
6. Since participating in ASAS-UPLINK, I have seen that my child's behavior and attitude at home has improved.
7. My child seems to enjoy the ASAS-UPLINK optional programs.
8. I have seen my child's self-confidence and self-worth improve through participation in the ASAS-UPLINK program.
9. I have attended celebration and award nights.
10. ASAS-UPLINK has provided a safe and supportive environment for my child.
11. Overall, I am satisfied with the ASAS-UPLINK program.
12. I would recommend and support efforts to extend ASAS-UPLINK to all middle schools throughout the state.
13. In what ways do you feel the ASAS-UPLINK program can improve? *
Please add any additional comments, questions or suggestions here:
Parent Name (OPTIONAL)
Student/Child Name (OPTIONAL)
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