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Friend of CAST Inquiry Form
To create a successful partnership between Colorado Association of Science Teachers (CAST),
, and your science organization, hereafter referred to as a Friend of CAST, the terms below have been agreed upon.
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* Indicates required question
What is the name of your science organization?
Your answer
What is the location / address of your science organization?
Your answer
What is the website for your science organization?
Your answer
Provide a brief description of your science organization:
Your answer
Provide the target demographics and annual attendance for your science organization.
Your answer
What is your name? (Person representing science organization)
Your answer
What is your title within the organization? (Person representing science organization)
Your answer
What is your email? (Person representing science organization)
Your answer
What is your phone number? (Person representing science organization)
Your answer
What benefits will your science organization provide to current CAST members? Please check all that apply. Please provide more specific information about the checked items in the next question.
Free membership to the science organization (? individual ? individual + guest ? family ?)
Discounted membership to the science organization (? % discount ?)
Free admission to science organization (? individual ? Individual + guest(s) ? # of visits?
Discount at the gift shop for the science organization (? % discount ?)
Discount for educational and/or professional development programming (? % discount ?)
Please record any specific information about the above listed benefits to CAST members in the space below. (type of benefit - individual vs individual + guest vs family? # of visits per year? value of benefit? percent discounts? etc.) If none, type 'none' below.
Your answer
NOTE: CAST asks for a three-year MOU between Friends of CAST and CAST. As part of this MOU, CAST typically agrees to provide the following: (1) Friend of CAST presence on the CAST Website for the duration of the MOU. (2) Recognition of Friend of CAST in select CAST marketing products (flyer, poster, banner, PPT slides, social media) distributed at the Colorado Science Conference and other select functions. (3) Connections to CAST Regional Directors to help your organization connect directly with members in your region.
Please add any comments or questions about the Friends of CAST program in the space below:
Your answer
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