Join Black Business Can
Please fill out this form so that we can better understand your needs so that we can deliver strategic and effective programming for your business' success!
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Business Name *
First & Last Name *
Phone Number *
Gender *
Self Identify  (Gender)
Race *
Self Identify (Race)
Do you have an online presence? Check all that apply. *
What kinds of support services do you need or you would like? *
Would you be available for monthly/biweekly sessions on business education, funding, obtaining federal contracts, etc.? *
Can we add you to our email list to inform you about grants/funding, opportunities, sessions and updates? (If you check 'more information', BBC will only send you the information you requested) *
For verification purposes,  please input your email address. (All personal information collected by BBC is done so exclusively with your consent, by means of a form posted on our website, an email received from you or by telephone. No information is collected automatically.)
Comments (We want to hear from you!) ✊🏽
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