Offering List to support ARA & HoG effort to help Queer Africans fleeing Russia Ukraine War  
Initiative is being organized by Afro Rainbow Austria and House of Guramayle to help queer Africans that are fleeing and/or stranded in Ukraine.

Please provide your help in any way you can.
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1. Accommodation (Place to stay & food)   *
If your answer is "Yes" for the first question. Please for how long and leave your contact (email/cellphone number) *
2. Fund ( cash that can be used for food, finding place to stay and so on) *
If you answer is "Yes" for the question #2 will reach out to you, please leave your contact ( email/cell phone number)
3. Please write down ways you are willing to help briefly ( helping with language, shopping, helping with legal document and so on)  
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