Teacher-Librarian Digital Books Feedback
The pandemic has created a demand across the country for additional fiction and non-fiction eBooks. Please share information on the situation in your school, school board or district by responding to the following questions. We will share consolidated responses in a future report.
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Job Title *
School Board *
1) What system or platform do you use to access and or purchase fiction and non-fiction eBooks for your schools? Check all that apply. *
2) Does your district purchase fiction and non-fiction eBooks centrally or do you follow a school-based purchasing model? *
3) Describe the fiction and non-fiction eBook licensing models currently in place. Is there a preferred model that works best for your school and/or district? *
4) Do you have a per student budget for acquisitions of fiction and non-fiction eBooks? *
5) Would a licensable comprehensive collection of Canadian authored works be valuable to your district or board? *
6) What are your priorities for fiction and non-fiction eBook purchasing in the coming year? *
Please provide any additional comments or insights.
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