JLF Jewish Learning Fellowships
Please use the form below to register for JLF classes.
It will only take 72 seconds to sign up! 
We're very excited to have you join!

JLF will be starting Tuesday JAN 20th. We'll be meeting at 7pm at Dobie #250.

Additional requirements for JLF:
1. Participants are responsible to make up any missed classes with Rabbi Trepp
2. Participants must attend our incredible Houston Shabbaton scheduled for Nov. 15-17
3. Participants will be awarded the $300 stipend upon completion of all 10 courses and participation in the Shabbaton
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Birthday *
I have read the above information and am prepared to complete all requirements for this course to the best of my ability.  *
We cannot wait to have you join this incredible group!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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