LINC Application
To complete this application, you will need:
1) Picture of the front and back of your Permanent Resident card OR your Immigration Landing Paper
2) Picture of your LARCC Language Assessment Test or LINC Certificate or Progress Report

After you send in this application, you must email your supporting documents to Metro Continuing Education Office at  or  if you prefer, visit our office and provide a copy of your documents.

You will be added to the LINC wait list after we receive your documents.

Metro LINC classes are offered online and in-person at:
Metro Continuing Education - 7835-76 Avenue NW - (housed in Avonmore School)

Please make sure you type the student's email address correctly, as we send information about your application to your email address.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Student Email *
LINC Classes - you can choose 2 classes *
Family (Last) Name *
First Name *
Address *
City - must live in Alberta *
Postal Code *
Phone Number *
Have you attended any LINC classes at Metro before *
Client Consent: I authorize the training institution to release any or all information to the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission. Client has read the IRCC Consent Statement at the link below and has agreed.*
Do you give your consent for the following?*
Your personal information is protected by Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). This information will be used for administering, evaluating and marketing programs, and for statistical purposes. If you have any questions about the use of this information, please contact our Customer Service team at (780) 428-1111.
Do you require childminding?

Free childminding is available for our in-person classes for children between 19 months and 5 years of age.  
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