Thank you for your interest in EBOTS! 
East Bay Over Thirty Soccer (EBOTS) is an open adult recreational 11v11 soccer league for men over 30 and women over 21. A unique league that combines the best elements of organized sports leagues and pick up soccer. EBOTS has been providing this fun soccer community for 20+ years.

How it works:

EBOTS is currently comprised of seven teams of approximately 18 players each. Leading up to each new season, our registration manager will email all waitlist players to see if they are still interested. Players are added to the league in the order in which they joined the waitlist. 

The number of open spots vary from season-to-season. Once the open spots are filled, the remaining waitlist players will be notified, and they will have the chance to remain on the waitlist to join the following season. If there are injuries during the season, we may add a wait-lister to a roster mid-season to take the place of the injured player.

We play year round at  Estuary Park, Alameda with three consecutive seasons:
Spring: Jan – May
Summer: Jun – Aug
Fall: Sep – Dec

Please fill out the form below if you are interested in joining our league. 
We will reach out before our next season to see if you are ready to be placed on a team. 

Please note, if you fill out this form at the start or in the middle of a season, you will not hear from us until just prior to the next season, but rest assured we have your information.

Questions? Please visit our website or contact us at

Hope to see you on the pitch soon!

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Birthday *
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