Plotly.js/py - User Feedback on Charts
Graphs and Charts User Experience Survey

We expect this survey to take you about 5-10 minutes. Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback! 🤗

We've spent more than a decade working on charting tooling and capabilities in our Plotly graphing libraries, and we're looking to learn how our community is using these charts and what expectations they have about the future of these libraries.

We'd love to learn a bit more about how you use these libraries and where you'd like to see us take them!
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A little about you
This section aims to understand more about you and the audience for whom you create charts. We're interested in learning about your role, your objectives in creating charts, and the specific audience or stakeholders you typically cater to.
Where did you see this form?
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How often do you use Plotly graphing libraries?
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How often do you use Dash?
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What programming languages do you use most often?
How have you used Plotly charts? Check all that apply.
What industry do you work in?
What is your professional role?
What use cases for you are most important when using Plotly charts?
Where does your audience generally view the charts you develop?
Could you provide examples of how generally you utilize charts and the specific challenges you address with them? (for example scenarios where you've used charts to analyze data, communicate insights, or make informed decisions)
Chart Types
This section is dedicated to gathering your thoughts on the default chart types provided. We're interested in knowing which charts you found most useful or intuitive, and any suggestions you have for improving or expanding our default selection.
If you could add one chart type to the Plotly library, what would it be, and why?
Do you ever switch to other graphing libraries for a charting feature not offered by Plotly?
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If you do switch to other graphing libraries for some use cases, what are those use cases?
Interacting with Plotly charts
This section seeks feedback on your experience with the interactive features of Plotly charts, including actions like hovering over data, showing or hiding elements, and using tooltips. Your input will help us improve chart usability.

On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your experience with interactive chart features?

1 = "Just OK" 3 = "Neutral" 5 = "Excellent"

Just OK
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What specific interactive features have you found particularly great? What made them great?
Are there any specific interactive features have you found lacking or missing? If so, why?
Visual Design of Plotly Charts
This section is designed to gather your feedback on the effectiveness of the visual design of Plotly charts. 

This includes using elements like color, layout, typography, and graphical representation to convey data and insights clearly and aesthetically.

On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the effectiveness of the visual design in Plotly charts?

1 = "Not so Great" 3 = "Neutral" 5 = "Delightful"

Not so Great
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What specific examples can you provide of times where the visual design of charts let you down, or was delightful.
Feedback on viewer controlled view settings
This section is designed to gather your feedback on an interface that empowers users to customize chart views without requiring developer assistance. 
The image below illustrates an example of how we could enable users to configure the view of a chart, share it, and adjust other settings while viewing the chart.
How valuable would it be to empower viewers to configure the view of a chart while they are looking at it?
Not Useful
Very Useful
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What types of options would you give a viewer with a feature like this?

Please share your email if you are okay with us reaching out regarding your responses
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