SHCS Enrolment Enquiry Form

Thank you for considering our school for your child’s education.

If you would like to apply for enrolment, our enrolment process is as follows:


  1. Submit an Online Enquiry Form (below) or contact the school office on 02 46294800 for more information.
  2. Read the school’s Enrolment & Exit Policy.
  3. Complete the Application for Enrolment Form and view the School Guide and Policies on the school website
  4. Contact the school office to arrange an interview with the Principal and bring completed form and documentation.
  5. If approved, a Letter of Offer will be provided with information to finalise enrolment fees to secure your position.

Please compete this online enquiry form and a school representative will contact you regarding your enquiry.

If your enquiry includes multiple children, please include additional information where indicated in this form.

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Email *
Enrolment Enquiry - Year Level *
Intended Year Start (e.g. 2025, 2026) *
Student Applicant Surname *
Student Applicant Given Names *
Student DOB *
Address (e.g. 1 Smith Street, Bradbury, NSW) *
Postcode (e.g. 2560) *
Full Name of Mother/Guardian 1 *
Full Name of Father/Guardian 2 *
Parent/Guardian Contact Number *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Previous School of Student Applicant *
Reason/s for Changing Schools *
How did you hear about our school? *
Learning difficulties/behavioural struggles of student applicant: *
Medical conditions, e.g. allergies, medical diagnosis *
Name of Church (if not applicable, please type "None"). *
Religion (if not applicable, please type "None".) *
Residential Status: Citizenship/Visa Type *
If your enquiry includes multiple children, please include additional information below, including full name of child/children, DOBs, and Year Level. 
Otherwise, please type "No."
Any other relevant information (if not applicable, please type "No"): *
Applicant has viewed our School Enrolment & Exit Policy on website. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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