OCASI #SectorRoundtables online series
OCASI is considering planning an online series to help strengthen our community of agencies, promote connection, encourage sharing of information, and discuss important topics for the sector.

The series is based on a successful previous #CdnImm* in-person event series OCASI ran a few years ago.
At the time the events featured presenters that talked about their unique services, programs, policies and any relevant program and services that benefited the successful settlement and integration of immigrants and refugees in Canada.

This new series of virtual events will be supported by OCASI, but the topic and presentation will be organized by agencies that want to participate in this initiative.

We are conducting a simplified feasibility assessment to determine:
·         if there are interested agencies who would be excited to participate
·         the kind of support agencies would need to ensure the success of the initiative
·         if there are gaps and opportunities that can be explored for the benefits of implementing the initiative

* #CdnImm hashtag is an online community that share and discuss timely and relevant topics and information about Canadian immigration.
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1.  Did you participate in any of the in-person #CdnImm hashtag events before? *
2. In what capacity did you participate?
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3. What should be the format and length of the panel discussion? *
4. What topics would you like to see discussed? *
5. Would your agency be interested in presenting? If the answer is yes, please provide your name, agency name (and the possible topic you will be presenting on)   *
6. How frequently would you like to see this type of event happening? *
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