FSC Associates
Family Associate membership is £10 per year, due 20th November for the following year. Anything over and above this amount is great, you’re called an "Associate donor", and the additional amount goes into your nominated fund, or the the Aid Fund if no preference is given.
We are charged for each cheque so we ask that you setup a recurrent payment or standing order with your bank. If you have problems setting this up, we can supply a sample Standing Order request which you can send to your bank.
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Email *
FriendlyName *
Tell us the normal name you normally use, e.g. Beccy
If you have a different name, for HMRC, banks, etc, please give it here, e.g. Rebecca
FamilyName *
Please give your family name
If there is a second adult in the family, you can list their first name as well
If there is a second adult in the family, you can list their family name as well
Address1 *
Please give the first line of your address, e.g, 23 London Road
Add any other address info needed before the town/city. Do not put the town/city here.
Town/City *
Give the town or city
If in the UK / United Kingdom, please leave blank. Otherwise, give the country
PostCode *
Give the postcode / zipcode / etc
If you have a mobile number it may be useful to contact you if we have problems, e.g. if your email address doesn't work
If you have a landline, it may also be useful if other contact methods fail
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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