Osage Church


Join us for an unforgettable week filled with games, crafts, and stories, where we'll explore what it means to be true champions of faith, drawing inspiration from the thrill of the Olympic Games. Get set to embark on the race of faith alongside Jesus, discovering how to embody God's love in every aspect of our lives. Don't let this golden opportunity pass you by—come join us for an exhilarating adventure at our Olympic-themed Vacation Bible School!

Osage Church Vacation Bible School
JULY 8-11, 2024

If you have questions, please email (christianed@osagechurch.org) or call church at 620-632-5248.

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Child #1 Age (Grade starting in August)
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Child #2 Age (Grade starting in August)
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Child #3 Age (Grade starting in August)
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