Confirmation of participation // Urban Exploration: Learning Design for Creative Futures
Dear attendee,

We would like to draw your attention to the Urban Exploration Event which you've registered for back in March. The event has been rescheduled for September, 24. – 25. 2020. We would like to kindly ask you to answer the questions below regarding your participation.

We are taking into consideration all information regarding the current situation and will adapt to the changes in the following ways:

– Keynote lecture will be online on Thursday 25th,
– Workshops will be in rooms that are large enough to accommodate people with distance, obligatory face masks. The proceedings of the workshops will be published in a form of a webinar online.
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I would like to participate in the Keynote Lecture by Karol Piekarski (Medialab Katowice) on Thursday, September 24 at 17:00. *
I would like to participate in the workshop Learning Design for Creative Futures  with Hana Skljarszka, as I registered for it.
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