ESB education scholarships
provide a range of educational and learning opportunities for people who would like to learn more about horses and / or work in the horse industry. Please feel free to tell us why you would like to do this:
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Your first name *
Your last name *
Your email address *
Your mobile phone number *
At the moment, are you: *
Could you please give us more information about your school or current employment? *
Which of these areas of learning are you most interested in? *
What are your future personal goals? *
What are your future sporting goals? *
What are your future career goals? *
What are your hobbies or interests other than horses? *
What do you see yourself being in the future? *
We understand that horses are your passion but what do you believe are your best (NON HORSE) skills? *
What form of coaching would you prefer?
Can you please send us a video of yourself which displays your range of horse and practical skills. Keep it less than 3 minutes and feel free to be creative. *
Are you sending us your video via:
Do you have any other questions or comments?
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