Thank you for your interest in our language courses! 
By completing this enrolment form you become an official MLH Edu student.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Under "Other", specify your language combination for the CertTrans or DipTrans course
Full Name *
Name and Surname
D.O.B *
Address (including Postcode) *
Phone / Mobile No. *
Emergency contact details (name and phone number & email address)
If the student is a child, please complete the details below. If you are an adult student complete with N/A
Age: *
Child's School: *
School Year *
If you're an Adult, just select "Adult" from the drop-down menu
If you're a parent or guardian of a child attending our school, complete the section below. Otherwise, just enter N/A.
Name of Parent/Guardian: *
Phone / Mobile No. *
Address (if different from the child's)
Please list any physical or learning difficulties, or any allergies experienced by you / your child *
We occasionally take photographs of the students in class and may use these in publicity material which could include internet sites such as our website or our social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn. Personal information will never be shared online. Please indicate your consent or otherwise below:
I give MLH permission to use my / my child's photograph which may be used on the internet. *
Any other comments? *
Why we collect data and how we use it:
a) You/your child’s personal data allows us to find the correct class, with an appropriate age group. The information will be entered on a database (see g) below) which will allow us to generate registers and fee sheets for each of their classes.
b) The name of the child’s school allows us to reassure children there will be others from their school attending a language class.
c) Parent’s details are necessary so we can stay in touch with you about your child’s progress, about anything special which is happening in class and so we can contact you, or another named contact, in case of emergency.
d) Special notes allow teachers to personalise lessons, being aware of any difficulties or special needs and/or skills a child may have.
e) We need your consent to take pictures of you/your child in class and to use them in the ways outlined. No other form of identification is ever used with these pictures.
f) Occasionally, we will contact you with relevant information. You may unsubscribe from these emails at any time. However, unsubscribing from this facility may also unsubscribe you from your own branch emails, which will give information about current classes and future events.
g) All information stored on our database is on a totally secure server and is regularly backed up. This information is entered, updated and deleted by the MLH Management Team only, where it is used for accounting and marketing purposes.  

Terms & Conditions
Our terms of enrolment are the following:
  • Students must be committed to one full academic year.
  • Lessons run on a term-time basis.
  • Fees are payable before the course starts.  
  • Fees are invoiced monthly.
  • Fees are non-refundable after the start date of the course.
  • 6 months' notice is required for cancellation of classes.
  • A cancellation fee for the value of the remaining period shall be applied.
  • A course place can only be guaranteed when fees are received.
  • Classes missed  are not reimbursed.
  • Under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2013, we reserve the statutory right to add late payment interest at 8.5% and £40.00 late payment compensation for outstanding balances.
  • Read our detailed T&Cs on

Electronic Signature
By clicking "I Agree" below and writing you name below, you consent and agree to the terms and conditions in this Enrolment Form. Your login credentials also constitute your electronic signature.
I confirm that *
Signature *
Write your full name as your signature
Contact us
My Language Hub Ltd.
Translation | Education | Business
Chartered Linguists
ATC Accredited Member
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 17100:2015

The Colonnade, Station Place, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 3AQ
T: +44 (0)1462 656577 
Registered in England & Wales. Reg. number: 10359045. VAT registered: GB256926666

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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