Futures Wellington Team Ambrose at Manor Park Golf Club
WHERE: Manor Park Golf Club
WHEN: Friday 14th October
TIME: 10.30am
Cost: FREE for Futures Wellington Members

Join us at Manor Park Golf Club for the first event of the October School Holidays

Register to play in the Futures Team Golf Ambrose (perfect for those new to the game).

Please register by completing the form below.

For more information, contact: Joel Macklin futureswellington@golfnz.org 

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Players First and Last Name *
Is the player a member of Futures Wellington? *
If you are a member of Futures Wellington please enter your membership number
Date of birth *
Email *
Emergency Contact Name *
Relationship to Child *
Phone Number of Emergency Contact *
I give permission for my child/ren to have their photo/video taken on the day. I understand that this imagery/film may be used for promotional purposed by Futures Wellington and Golf New Zealand. *
Will you need to borrow any golf equipment?
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