Client Contact Information for in home euthanasia scheduling.
(after you complete form, to set an appointment time,  text 405-726-0755)
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Your Pet's First Name *
Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your Email *
Street Address *
City *
Zip Code *
Phone Number *
How did you find out about us?
Is your pet canine, feline, or other? *
What breed is your pet
What is your pets approximate weight in  pounds? (a guess is fine) *
Who is your regular Veterinarian? *
Would you like Paws at Peace to update your regular veterinarian?
Would you feel comfortable sharing pictures of your pet or a memory on our Google page?
Do you have a religious preference?
(if your pet weighs less than 110 lbs)  Would you like Paws at peace to take care of transport and all cremation details with Friends Remembered? *
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