Quiz 19. Biomolecules 
It includes Cofactors Part 1
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1 point
In several enzymes, non protein part may also be present for enzymatic activity. Out of these options which is protein part *
1 point
There are a number of cases in which non-protein constituents called ............. are bound to the the enzyme to make the enzyme catalytically active.
1 point
Find which is incorrect statement regarding prosthetic group..? *
1 point
Coenzyme is .... *
1 point
Find incorrect statement ... *
1 point
When cofactor is removed from enzymes then enzymes activity is .... *
1 point
Vitamin niacin function as cofactors in .... *
1 point
Which of the following is correct  *
1 point
Essential chemical component of many coenzyme are  *
1 point
An organic compound is bound to enzyme and essential for enzyme activity is called  *
1 point
Match both column correctly *
4 points
Prosthetic group
Cofactor of carboxypeptidase
Zinc metal
Which of these is not cofactor .... *
1 point
The cofactor present in catalase and peroxidase is  *
1 point
Which of the organic compound is bound to enzyme only transiently  *
1 point
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