Royal Athletics Competitive Cheer Team Registration Form
Please fill out one form per athlete
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Email *
Athlete's name (last, first) *
Address *
Email *
Phone number *
Parent/ Legal Guardian(s) Contact information *
Birthdate *
Please List any past or current cheerleading experience. If none, please list what skills/talents you would like to gain after joining our team. *
Skill Level Assessment
This is a personal assessment for you to place yourself, based on your own skill level as a beginner, intermediate or advanced. Please click "unsure" if you have no past or current experience. As a reminder, Royal Athletics does not require any experience to join our team. 
Tumbling skill level *
Stunting skill level
Clear selection
Dance skill level
Clear selection
Please list t-shirt size
A $50 registration fee is required after submitting this form
Thank You for filling out the registration form for Royal Athletics Competitive Cheerleading Team. We look forward to having you and your athlete(s) on our team! 

If you have any questions, please email us at
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