Hello and nice to meet you! We are undergraduate students at the University of Maryland who are part of our university’s chapter of the American Medical Student Association (AMSA).
The pandemic has made it hard for high school students to get proper advice and preparation for their college applications. If you are in need of AP Exam, SAT/ACT, or college application & essay prep, we are offering free sessions with experienced tutors starting in February of 2022.
Please fill out this form with the option(s) that fit your tutoring needs best and we will reach out to you with a Zoom meeting link for the tutoring session! For more information about our organization and our blog team, check out our blog at
ter.ps/scribeblog and AMSA’s mission as a service organization at
https://umdamsa.wixsite.com/home. Feel free to reach out with questions to
umdamsa.thescribe@gmail.com ~ thanks!