Former form with Responses
Engaging, Educating, Impactful and Fun! Creating a Plan for a Successful Future and Lifesytle! (In-person or Via Zoom)
Includes: Incentives, Special Events, Graduation Celebration/Gifts
LEG = Leadership - Entrepreneurship - Grooming
LIFE = Living Skills - Innovative Choices - Financial Literacy - Educational Path
Meet once a week and A Mentor will contact you weekly
Ages (13-16) (17-19) 20+ we look forward to seeing you at LEG up on LIFE!!!  
Please complete the registration form and you will receive the link to join LEG up on LIFE
Every week someone new joins LEG up on LIFE so come will be right on time!!!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Question - Which day of the week and time would you prefer meeting? *
LEG up on LIFE
First Name *
Last Name or Last Initial *
Age *
Gender (for gifts) *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Cell Phone Number (if applicable)
Who referred you to the LEG up Program? *
Would you like to have a mentor? *
What Grade Are You In? If you have graduated write graduated. If you are in college write the name of the college.
Are you in or aged out of foster care?
Clear selection
Guardian/Agency Contact Person
Guardian/Agency Contact Person's Cell Phone Number
Guardian/Agency Email (if different from above)
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