Beaver Barcamp 2024 Sign-up
Beaver BarCamp 2024
Saturday, April 13, 2024, 9am - 6pm
Oregon State University, Kelley Engineering Center

Welcome to Beaver BarCamp 2024! Open Source Lab's "Un-Conference", hosted at Oregon State University!

Share your passion, connect with others, and learn something new at Beaver BarCamp 2024.

This is an informal un-conference that has been hosted by the OSU Open Source Lab since 2006. We are excited to host this live in-person event where attendees can participate in sessions throughout the day or propose their own talk on a project, hobby or research interest. Help us fill OSU’s Kelley Engineering Center with interesting ideas and skills.

Everyone welcome: Open to students, staff, alumni, and community members.

Coffee breaks and beverages provided. You can bring a sack lunch or go to one of the many eateries nearby for a meal on your own.

For more information: Beaver BarCamp 2024

To learn more about what a BarCamp is, check out this page.

Example of Sessions at a past Beaver BarCamp.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email: Personal email preferred i.e, non-university. It will only used for BarCamp messages
Attending as:
If you are not currently affiliated with OSU, what is your current employer and job title? (We need this for OSU paperwork, your information will not be shared)

Important: I authorize the OSU CASS Open Source Lab to record my likeness in video, sound, or photographs for the purpose of publicizing and promoting OSU/OSL; in any medium, present or future, including print, internet, social media, and video. ('yes' or 'no') 

If your answer is ‘no’ we would recommend labeling your nametag with the provided sticker. 

Have you attended a Barcamp in the past? (just curious)
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