WHAP Student Intro Survey
Answering the following questions will help me get to know you better, which will assist in helping you to learn history.

Our goal is to have you 100% prepared and ready for the AP Test.  

We are going to get it done!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
I definitely need an email address so that we can communicate better. I use email to send out important information to students regarding upcoming quizzes, tests, and prep for AP Test. We will also use it for tutoring purposes. You can always ask content related questions through email and I respond within 24 hours.
AP World History is a challenge, but one you can succeed at. These students have in the past. You will this year if you put the work into it.
Why did you decide to take Virtual/Online AP World History this school year? *
Do you have any information to provide to me that might help me as your teacher?
What teacher and class did you have last year in social studies? *
This is definitely going to be a different school year and a new challenge for many of us. But, there is as much to do and learn as ever. And Mr. Duez will be sure you know and have learned the skills necessary for success on the AP World History exam in 2021.
Did you take AP Human Geography? If yes, did you take the AP Test? How did you do? *
Have you ever taken an AP Test before? *
What AP Tests have you taken in the past? *
This year you will learn to become not only a history student, but a young historian. It is vital that you think of yourself as someone who is learning history and then determining connections, comparisons, change over time, and analysis would be for various topics. This is a writing course. 60% of the AP Exam is written. Last year online, the AP Test was 100% - one Document Based Question. We will be prepared to write history.
What device or devices will you be using to access the class website, AP Classroom, our Textbook and Schoology? *
What you you heard about AP World History Modern as a class or Mr. Duez as a teacher? *
Also, let me know what your thoughts are going into the school year. Are you excited? Anxious? Nervous? Ready to WHAP? Why?
What are you looking forward to studying most this year?
AP World History: Modern is an introductory college-level modern world history course. Students cultivate their understanding of world history from c. 1200 CE to the present through analyzing historical sources and learning to make connections and craft historical arguments as they explore concepts like humans and the environment, cultural developments and interactions, governance, economic systems, social interactions and organization, and technology and innovation.
What are your goals for this class?
They might be a type of grade. Maybe to have fun? Simply survive? Get AP credit for college? Learn more about history?
What are you involved with at school and at home?
Teams, clubs, hobbies, activities.
If you have not seen it, this is the video  introduction to the course. It is not updated for the new "Modern" course, but there is valuable information in it that can help you understand the commitment and the workload. You can also find it on the website: https://whapm.mrduez.com on the SUCCESS TAB
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