2025 倫敦佛光山春節平安燈法會 功德登記表 Chinese New Year
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本人了解並同意佛光山寺及派下各單位得將本人所填寫的個人資料蒐集、處理、使用在功德徵信、法會、活動及未來各項活動通知、帳務處理與功德主提報等作業。且本人提供予道場之資料若包含本人以外之個人資料時,本人已以適當方式使該人等知悉其個人資料會提供予佛光山寺派下相關單位,進行蒐集、處理或利用. I understand and agree that Fo Guang Shan monastery and its subunits will collect and store my personal information that I provide, and will use it for the purposes of donations auditing, Dharma services, events, notification of future events, accounting management, reporting of benefactors, and so on. If I have provided another individual’s personal information to the monastery, I have informed that individual with an appropriate method that his/her personal information will be collected, stored and used by Fo Guang Shan monastery and its subunits.
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聯絡人 Contact Person *
電話 Telephone Number *
佛光卡號碼 Fo Guang Card No. *
(佛光卡號碼為M開頭, 如沒有佛光卡, 請填寫 "無"  Fo Guang Card number should begin with M. If you do not have a Fo Guang Card, please type N/A)
功德項目 Type of Offering
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