CRAFT Skill Share Application
The BRWIA CRAFT program is centered around knowledge and skill sharing, encouraging mentorship and community building among farmers and local producers. To facilitate that, BRWIA encourages folks who have knowledge or expertise that they would like to share to host a "workshop" or skill sharing event, where they present on a topic of their choice, usually at their farm or place of business. Presenters can be joined by extension agents and other farmers or knowledgeable parties as well. You can find examples of previous workshops at

Are you interested in sharing your knowledge on composting, greenhouse growing, animal husbandry, bookkeeping, or another valuable skillset? Want to get paid to share that knowledge with your community?  Pitch your idea here! You don't have to be an expert.

Workshop Requirements:
We encourage on-location workshops, but are also open to remote options.
Workshops are typically 1-2 hours long, with a potluck following to network and build community (location dependent)

BRWIA staff members approve skill shares/workshops based on community interest, available funding, and time or logistical constraints. Each application is considered equally, and chosen based on the previously stated criteria. There is no deadline to apply, and applications are considered on a rolling basis. Please allow for a 2-week review period before following up on the status of your application.

We provide a $200 stipend for the hosting farm or business to provide compensation for host's time and knowledge.
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First name *
Last name *
Farm or business name *
Email *
Phone *
Event Topic or Title *
Proposed Date *
Where will the workshop/skillshare be conducted? *
Pitch your idea here: *
What resources or help would you need from BRWIA to help make this a successful event?
Would you like another farmer or Cooperative Extension Agent to speak alongside you on this topic? *
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