2024 Cross Country Rules & Expectations

Boys Head Coach: Tom Guthrie Girls Head Coach: Berenice Mungai

tguthrie@ggusd.us                                bcarbajal@ggusd.us                                            

RAHS Cross Country Rules and Expectations

Our coaching purpose is to teach athletes life lessons that encourage and reward responsibility, promote individual commitment, and loyalty to teammates and school. So all athletes, regardless of ability, experience success and feel they are a better person for having been a part of the athletic program at RAHS.


1. Athletes are expected to participate in ALL practices and meets, unless discussed with Coach 

2. Any absence from a practice or meet must be reported to a coach in advance or before the end of the day by a parent or guardian. ( Don't tell your buddy to tell us you won't be there!)

3. Absences are excused if notification is received in advance or by the end of the day. All other absences are considered unexcused.

4. After the 4th unexcused absence, further absences may affect participation in upcoming competitions.

5. Injured athletes are either with the trainer ( if available) or at practice. Rehabilitation is considered practice. Injured athletes must follow rehabilitation guidelines established by athletic trainer or PCP.

6. Athletes must have a 2.0 GPA.

7. School attendance: you must be at school at least 3 periods the day of a meet in order to participate or have a Dr.'s note. 

Be Respectful

1. Show respectful behavior always. Profanity, obscene gestures, derogatory comments, and negativity directed at team members, coaches, administrators, school staff members, parents, opponents, or anyone else, will not be tolerated.

2. Respect the property of others, including personal items, school property, community property, other school's facilities, opponent's property, and anything that does not belong to you. This includes team issued uniforms and equipment.

3. Respect the decision of authority figures, such as school staff members, coaches, opponents, meet officials, parents and others. Never directly challenge a decision made by a coach., If there is a disagreement, speak directly to the Head coach in private.

4. Coaches determine the placement of athletes in varsity, junior varsity and freshman school races. These decisions are made in the best interest of the athlete and team. Our goal is to identify and place each athlete in a level of competition where they can perform at a high lever and contribute to team success. Honor these decisions and personally discuss any questions or concerns you may have with a member of the coaching staff.

5. Any behavior considered detrimental to the team will be discussed directly with the athlete, parent, and head coach. At this time a decision will be made as to what actions will be taken.


1. Athletes MUST ride the bus to all League meets and are expected to return on the bus. ( If for any reason an athlete needs to go home with their parent, Coaching staff needs to be notified the day before the race). 

2. Be on time-  late is unacceptable, the bus will leave without you! If you are continually late for meets, you will not be permitted to compete.

3. If you do not show for a meet you will not be permitted to compete in the next one.

4. Wear your uniform- be ready to compete! 

5. You will be expected to help take equipment/coolers etc. from the bus to the tent area, and help in setting up and taking down any tents/tarps etc.


1. You will be expected to show up for every practice and meet with a good attitude and to give your best effort.

2. Continued complaining, not listening or backtalk will not be tolerated.

3. Winning is important, but being a good teammate, working hard, having a good attitude,even after a loss, and learning from mistakes is what counts. Belittling, or gossiping about other team members for their performance will not be tolerated- everyone has bad days. THIS IS TRUE FOR PARENTS A WELL! 

4.  Cell phones are allowed Only on long runs. No cell phones during warm up/interval workouts, or if it's an emergency.

5. Arrive prepared - water bottle, correct attire, well rested, and on time.

Honesty, Trust, and Respect are the foundation that we will strive to uphold.


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