Need a Thanksgiving Meal?
Use this form to request Stone Soup Cafe Thanksgiving meals on Thursday, November 26!

Curbside pickup begins at 12:00 pm.  Meals are given out first come, first served until 1:30 pm.  Be ready to wait in line, socially distanced 6 feet apart, and wear a mask. Please be patient! Due to COVID 19, wait times may be longer.

If you are uncomfortable standing, please order your meals for delivery. Meals will be delivered between 12:30 - 2:30 pm.

Online and phone orders will be accepted until Tuesday, Nov. 24 at 8pm.

The Stone Soup Café is Pay-What-You-Can. This special meal costs us $10 to make, so if you *can* pay for your meal, we happily accept your donation. If you can donate more, consider paying it forward to help us keep providing meals to all of our community members. Donate here: or follow the link when you submit this form.

Stone Soup Cafe is excited to share a Thanksgiving meal with you!
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