Check how effective your website is and receive free improvement suggestions!
The purpose of this questionnaire is to help you identify pain points in your website's technology infrastructure that may be hindering your business success. After the questionnaire we will send you an email with some ideas and suggestions of where improvements may be needed to enhance your customer experience, increase efficiency, and ultimately drive more sales.
Email *
How satisfied are you with your website's loading speed? *
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
Have you experienced any issues integrating your website with third-party applications?
How confident are you in the security measures in place to protect sensitive data?
Very unconfident
Very confident
Have you experienced any difficulties scaling your website to accommodate increased traffic and sales?
How satisfied are you with your current inventory management system?
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
How well optimized is your website for mobile devices?
Very poorly optimized
Very well optimized
How satisfied are you with the process of managing website content?
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
How confident are you in your website's analytics and reporting capabilities?
Very unconfident
Very confident
How effective are your current email marketing campaigns?
Very ineffective
Very effective
How modern and innovative is your website technology?
Very old
Very innovative
Please share your website link with us to enable a more comprehensive analysis. *

Is there anything you want to add/ask us?

Thank you!
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