Dog Adoption Application
Applying to adopt a dog does not guarantee that you will be the successful candidate to adopt him/her.  We are volunteer run and it may take up to a week to process this application.  Please answer questions fully and honestly.  Each application is reviewed with consideration for the animal's personality and unique needs.  Answering honestly will better assist us in determining if you are a potential good fit for this animal, and aid in the adoption process.
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What is your name? *
What is your full mailing address?(including postal code and city you reside in) *
What is your phone number? (Must not be a temporary text/phone app number). *
Which dog are you applying to adopt (if you are applying for more than one please list as may as you want)? *
Please list all of the members of your household and their ages (including yourself). *
Are any of the members of the household allergic to pets? If so, how do you plan to accommodate for this? *
Are all members of the household in agreement in the adoption of this dog? *
If you were to go on vacation, who would look after the dog? *
What is your occupation and the occupation of the other members of your household? *
Do you have other animals in your home?  If so, please list each animal along with their species, and ages. *
Are all of your current pets licensed with the town/city in which you live? *
Are all of your current pets up to date on vaccines? *
Do you plan to breed any of your pets now or in the future? *
Are all of your current pets spayed or neutered? *
Which vet do you currently use for your pets?  What is the clinic phone number? *
How do you plan to introduce and integrate this dog with any current pets in the household? *
What would you do if your current pets and this dog did not get along after adoption? *
What is your current living situation? *
What type of home do you live in? *
What type of yard do you have access to in your current home? *
What type of fence do you have? *
Have you ever surrendered or rehomed an animal before? *
If you have surrendered or rehomed an animal before, what was the reason? *
How many hours a day would the dog be left alone during the week and on the weekends? *
How often do you plan to exercise the animal and how do you plan to exercise him or her? *
Where will the animal be kept when you are home? *
Where will the animal be kept while you are away from home for work or other outings? *
What type of equipment would you use to walk and train this dog? Check all that you would use if needed. *
Will you be consulting with a trainer for your animal?
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What is your training style?  Do you have any trainers that you have used or would look to for suggestions on how to work with this dog? *
What do you project the cost of caring for this dog will be over one year?  (Consider food, toys, unexpected medical costs that could arise, annual veterinary costs, and of course the adoption fee.) *
What is the maximum amount you are prepared to spend for an emergency situation on your animal? *
How often do you plan to visit the vet with this new dog? *
If an unexpected medical emergency were to arise, how would you plan to pay for the potentially high veterinary bill? *
What qualities are a MUST for this dog to work well in your home environment and with your lifestyle? *
What are some reasons you would not be able to care for this dog in the future or reasons you would want to rehome this dog? *
Do you currently have any other applications in with any other rescues for other animals? *
Adopting an animal is a big commitment. A dog can live up to 20+ years. You know and understand that any costs from the day of adoption onward, are your sole responsibility. It is your responsibility to provide a nurturing and safe home for this animal if you are the successful adoption applicant.   *
We cannot guarantee an animal's behaviour after it is adopted out. Their behaviour in care is assessed and based on their actions and behaviours observed in their foster home.  Transitioning to new environments can cause animals to behave differently.   *
We cannot guarantee the breed, age, or health of the animals after they leave our care. All of our animals are checked by a vet, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and dewormed while in care.  Any pre-existing health conditions (if any) that Paws in Need Animal Rescue Society has been made aware of by the vet, will be fully disclosed prior to adoption. Our veterinary partners have given their best professional opinion of this animal's health, age, and breed. *
If for any reason I am not able to care for this animal in the future, I understand that it is mandatory that I return the animal to Paws in Need Animal Rescue Society. No refund will be given and Paws in Need will then work to rehome the animal again.  I am not allowed to rehome or sell this animal to another party. *
By submitting this form, you agree that all information above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.  The falsification of any information may result in the denial of your adoption application.  Should you fail to meet any of the requirements set forth by Paws in Need Animal Rescue Society, you understand that your application will be denied.  Following adoption, if any of the provided information is found to be false or misrepresented, Paws in Need may repossess the animal in question. *
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