2024 Society for Hawaiian Archaeology         Membership Registration
Fililling out this form allows us to contact you and provide membership benefits. Don't forget to pay for a membership after filling out this form.
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Email *
Do you have an active interest in Hawaiian archaeology, and subscribe to the purposes of the SHA Statement of Ethical Guidelines for Hawai‘i? ***All new and renewing members must affirm by clicking yes to continue.*** *
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
State/Territory/Province *
Zip code *
Country *
If you chose "Other," for any part of your address, please describe below (not required)
Affiliation -Are you associated with a company or organization? (not required)
Membership Type -Which membership are you purchasing?  Please keep in mind that annual membership dues correspond with the calendar year and expire on December 31.  *
Payment Type -How will you be paying for your Membership? (Note: make sure purchasing information matches information on this form to avoid delays in processing. For Check and Paypal, write the name of who the membership is for and type of membership. 

If you have any questions about this form or membership, email:
Thank you for your interest in the Archaeology of Hawaii. Please note it may take up to four weeks to process your membership, as this is an all volunteer run organization. If you are eager to check that your membership is complete, you can email:

Don't forget to join a board meeting If you are interested in volunteering with Society for Hawaiian Archaeology, or want to learn more. There are many standing committees that you may share interests in including education, legislative, publication, standards & ethics, students, and conferences.

For updates on other events and links to our social media pages, visit our website at https://hawaiianarchaeology.org/

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