Registration IX. SRAZ MORAVSKÝ KRAS 2014 Blansko / 20. - 22. 6. 2014 / Blansko - Češkovice
Hi there, we are very pleased that you have chosen to participate in VIII. Sraz Moravský kras in Blansko

• Sign up here - see the form below!
• The online registration fee is 250 CZK/10 Euro, the registration fee on the place is 300 CZK/12 Euro.
• In the form, you can order breakfast and dinner for days of the event.
• Your registration will be confirmed by email within a few days.

REGISTER right now so we can count on your participation and inform you about the preparations!

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Surname and name *
Nickname *
E-mail of the driver *
to keep you updated with the event
Mobil phone *
We will use this number during the days of the meeting to contanct you if needed. Please use following format: +420 978 654 321
Surname and name
E-mail of the co-driver
in case you both want to follow up the event
Starting number *
If you are assigned a starting number from last year competition, please fill in the number. If you are coming to the event for the FIRST TIME and YOU DO NOT HAVE THE NUMBER, write in "NO NUMBER" and the number will be assigned to you at registration at the place of meeting.
Type of vehicle *
e.g. Skoda 120 LS
Number plate of vehicle *
Year of vehicle construction *
e.g. 1988
Color of vehicle *
e.g. red
Country *
where you come from, e.g. CZ, SK, HU, PL, AT ...
City *
where you come from
If you are a member of a club, let us know, e.g. brno.tym, old-skoda
Meals - Breakfast *
Hotel Vyhlídka offers all participants breakfast for 58 CZK per meal. Select the day and how many servings you want. If you bring in your own meals with you, choose the last option ("we do not want meals").
1 portion
2 portions
3 portions
4 portions
5 portions
we do not want meals
Saturday breakfast
Sunday breakfast
Meals - dinner *
Hotel Vyhlídka offers all participants dinner for 75 CZK per meal. On Friday, Chicken with rice is on menu. On Saturday, Czech risotto with gherkin will be served. Select the day and how many servings you want. If you bring in your own meal with you, choose the last option ("we do not want meals").
1 portion
2 portions
3 portions
4 portions
5 portions
we do not want meals
Friday dinner
Saturday dinner
Participating in races of the cup *
Due to better management of the event, please, select, which races of the cup will you take part of. Of course, we recomment to take part of all the races, especially if you are coming to the event for the first time.
When will you arrive? *
On Friday, registration is opened from 6 to 8 pm; Night orienteering car race will follow. On Saturday, registration is open from 7:30-9 am.
Anything you want to tell us or ask?
Confirmations *
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