Advanced Analysis with Large Research Facilities: a Cross-Industrial Perspective
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I - Objective of the Study
This study aims to evaluate the current awareness level and the degree of utilization of scientific analytical methods. Its main goal is to find a way to specify the given economical potential of the analytical processes used in large research facilities along with quantifying their value for different industries.

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II - Target Audience
This study addresses enterprises and SMEs worldwide, especially in the following industries: automotive, energy, ICT, machinery & plant engineering, pharmaceuticals and process industry.
III - Conducted by PARK INNOVAARE & SLS Techno Trans AG
The PARK INNOVAARE is an innovation site situated in immediate proximity to the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI and its large research facilities. The PSI's specific expertise allows PARK INNOVAARE to manage innovations in the fields of Accelerator Technologies, Advanced Materials & Processes, Human & Health and Energy until they can be considered marketable.

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland. The combination of large scientific research facilities that the PSI operates is globally unique and is placed at the disposal of industry and academia:

the Swiss Light Source Synchrotron SLS
the Swiss Spallation Neutron Source SINQ
the Swiss Muon Source SμS
the Swiss Free Electron Laser SwissFEL

Industrial companies can gain access to these large research facilities through the SLS Techno Trans AG ( PSI's facilities hold an unique set of advanced analytical methods and allow out-of-the-ordinary insights into the composition and structure of different substances and materials. They are thus able to support the technological and innovative development of various industries in a very effective way.
IV - Duration of the Study
The data collection will be carried out until March 31, 2017.
V - Confidentiality Statement
PARK INNOVAARE and SLS Techno Trans AG are responsible for the data acquisition for this study. All participants are assured total confidentiality. This refers in particular to information from and about individual companies. For the purpose of data analysis and publication, information will only be used in its aggregate form; conclusions about the study's participants are therefore impossible.
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