Youth Champions for Securing our Common Future

Peace Boat and the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) invite you to join us for a special event, coinciding with the UN General Assembly - First Committee on Disarmament, Peace and Security, with approximately 75 young people from the ages 18–30 who will participate in activities promoting peace and disarmament in relationship to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The event is held under the “Youth for Disarmament” initiative to connect young people with experts in order to learn about today’s international security challenges, the work of the United Nations, and how they can become involved. The event will take place at UN Headquarters and onboard Peace Boat on Friday, October 11, 2019 and will feature keynote speakers, educational panel discussions, workshops and musical performances.

Peace Boat and UNODA encourage youth applicants to take the messages from this event back to their schools, organizations, and communities and encourage action for disarmament campaigns to promote a more peaceful and sustainable future.

Those interested in applying may fill out the form below to be considered as a participant for this program.  Applications will be open August-September 15 of 2019.


Date:  Friday, October 11,  2019  from 9:30 AM - 6 PM
Venue: UNHQ New York & Peace Boat


Applicants shall meet all of the following conditions.

- Applicants shall be students or young professionals approximately 18 - 30 years of age.
- Applicants should have a strong interest in issues related to peace and disarmament.
-  Applicants should be able to arrive at the venue on Oct 11 (Friday) and be available for the full day.
- Applicants should have the will to remain actively involved in the issues of peace and disarmament after the program by making full use of the knowledge and skills gained in the program, and to be able to disseminate about their experiences utilizing social media, etc.

More information coming soon on:  

Peace Boat


In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Name *
Phone number *
Address (City, State): *
Birthdate: *
Gender: *
Please describe your interests in global peace and disarmament (Maximum of 300 words) *
What are the ways you can contribute to the program? (Maximum of 300 words) *
Please accept that you can join the full program on Friday, October 11  from 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM *
Thank you for filling out this application. We will be in touch with you at the end of September 2019 for further registration details.  
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