Welcome to the Adventure
Greetings, brave adventurer! We're thrilled that you've chosen to embark on this copywriting quest with us. Before we set sail, we need to know a bit more about you and your business. Fear not, this form is but a friendly dragon. Let's get started!
Your Epic Tale
In this section, we'll ask you for basic information about your business. We would like to know about your industry, your target audience, and what unique selling points your company offers that make you stand out from the competition.
What is the name of your business? *
Can you describe your business in a sentence or two?
What industry does your business operate in?
Who is your target audience/client avatar?
Please include any detail you know, such as: gender, age, financial status, educational status, geographic region, etc. 
What are your unique selling propositions? 
What makes your business stand out from the crowd?
Clear form
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