BGS Improv For Scientists spring 2020 Application
BGS is excited to provide a free 6-week improv course for students. Improv is not stand-up comedy; it is acting without a script. It's about think on your feet, solving problems as they come, authentic and effective communication, projecting confidence, facilitating team work, and overcoming adversity. These are transferable skills that we need both in the lab and when communicating our science to our colleagues and the public.

Event Details:
Wednesdays (Feb 19th - Mar 25th) 5:30-7:30PM
Room 425 Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center

Questions or concerns? Please contact the course coordinator: Laura Ohl (
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Name *
Penn Email Account *
Graduate group *
Year of Graduate School *
Are you available to attend all of the workshops, in their entirety? Keep in mind, that preference will be given to students who can attend all sessions. *
Mondays (Oct 7th, 14th, 21th, 28th, - Nov 4th, 11th) 5:30-7:30PM
Why do you want to participate in the Improv for Scientists workshop? *
Please list any questions/concerns here.
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