Please Visit Our Centre!
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Thanks for getting in touch!

We hope we can make your year a little brighter and a little easier - we aim for happy faces all round - from the kids to the parents, the staff, and most imporantly, you, the organiser!

A Little About You:
In order to be of best assistance, we'd love to get a little information about you below.
From this we can assess your needs, and get an idea of how best we can help you.

A Little About Us:
We love kids, and we love capturing images to last a lifetime.

We give each child equal time. And we're very good at making new friends quickly. We have to be. We know your schedules and how to work around them, to be team players and not adversaries. We're always smiling and never grumpy, and we're probably a little too old to be jumping around, singing kinder songs and pulling funny faces. But what we see is joy .. we project it, reflect it, and capture it forever.

We know you're going to love us.

Missing Teeth
Missing Socks
Mud Pies
Your Name: *
Your Centre/ Kinder Name: *
Kinder/Centre Details: *
ie: 3-4yr old kinder - 100 children over 4 classes a week
Location/Suburb: *
Your Position:
Secretary / Director / Room Leader / Kindy Teacher / Parent Committee Member etc
Email Contact: *
Phone Contact Number
How did you find us? *
Preferred/Usual Dates
ie: "September" or "Term 4"
How Can We Help You: *
Thanks so much for contacting us - we look forward to being in contact with you very soon!

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