Next Move 2018 - Participants
We hope you've enjoyed being part of the 2018 Next Move event. We would like to hear your feedback and find out more about your experience. This questionnaire is anonymous and we would like you to complete all questions fully and honestly.
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Name of school *
Please select the option below that indicates how much you agree or disagree with each statement. Choose one option for each statement. *
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Don’t know
I have enjoyed today's event
I felt today's event was informative
I feel better informed about potential options for my future after todays event
Select from the following your favourite partner workshop that you attended. *
Why did you choose this as your favourite workshop? *
Thinking about your experience how would you rate the partner workshops? *
Very Good
Very Poor
Don't Know
Total People
Royal Air Force (RAF)
British Army
Physiotherapy - NHS
Sport BTEC - Salford City College
Animal Care and Equine - Salford City College
Logistics - Manchester College
Media - Manchester College
Hospitality - Manchester College
Travel and Tourism - Manchester College
Which of the following partners would you want more information from based on today's event? *
What other employment sectors, businesses and careers opportunities would you like to have seen at the event? *
What do you think you will do when finish year 11 (GCSEs)? *
Do you have any other feedback you would like to share with us about the event?
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