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Spring 2023 Vernon College BSM Monday Lunch Sign-Up Form
Spring Semester, 2023
After submitting this form, you will receive
an e-mail confirming the dates that you have been assigned (some may have already been requested and secured).
The BSM Director's contact information for any further questions
additional instructions to help you prepare.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Church (or Group) Name
Your answer
Contact Person
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
Email Address
Your answer
Date(s) Requested
Please select from these dates. You may select more than one. Available dates shown here are kept as current as possible, but on occasion may be already taken. We will let you know if that happens.
May 1 (last lunch of the semester)
What will you be serving?
This question is optional. If you don't know yet, just leave it blank. If you are wanting pay for a lunch to be purchased locally, please indicate that here.
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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