Confident Conception 1:1 Mentorship Application
Welcome! I am thrilled that you are ready to take the next step toward optimal fertility by applying to the Confident Conception Mentorship.

It is my life's passion to guide women as they prepare their body for pregnancy using natural and holistic techniques, treatment modalities and lifestyle shifts.

This is the program for you if:
  • You want to improve your fertility naturally
  • You want to improve your chances of conception
  • You are ready to learn how to track and chart your menstrual cycle using BBT and cervical mucus
  • You are open to making diet and lifestyle shifts to improve your fertility
  • You have time to commit to 1:1 sessions throughout the 4 month program
This application is a way for both of us to make sure this is the right program for you. I only work with women that I am sure I can help. Please do fill in this application as completely and accurately as you can.

I am looking forward to reading through your answers and connecting more soon!

Lots of love,
Holly 🌹
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When do you plan to become pregnant?
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What methods have you tried so far to improve your fertility?
Tell me about your fertility journey so far (how long you have been trying to conceive, previous pregnancies, known diagnoses, etc)...
What made you decide to apply for this mentorship?
What are your top 3 goals in joining this mentorship?
This is a 1:1 personalized program. It is an investment of 3 monthly payments of $600 or $1,500 paid in full.  Are you ready to make this investment? (prices in USD)
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Is there anyone else that helps make financial decisions that you would need to talk this through with first?
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Is there anything else you would like to share?
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